Chapter 043 Chapter 43

Chapter 043 Chapter 43

Opinion What can Song Lehe think?

Although the White Jade Demon attacked him, he should be regarded as the victim. But since Song Lehe didn't suffer at all, but his counterattack almost sent him down, so he had no sense of reality at all. To be honest, he thought it would be better to ask Uncle Li and Aunt Li to ask him. They were the serious victims.

But then I thought about it, after all, Uncle Li is still a county magistrate and a court official. If you really ask him, as a court official, can he still give an objection and say that he has to disobey orders to avenge himself? Do you still need the location? So this matter really had to fall to him in the end.

As he walked towards the White Jade Demon, he squatted down to see what Blue Phoenix had done to the White Jade Demon, and said to Zhui Ming, "Although I did hear a few words outside the door, I actually don't understand the whole thing. "I know nothing about the conflict between you, so how can I make a proper judgment?"

However, although he did not know the reason for the conflict between Lan Fenghuang and Zhui Ming, after all, in his opinion, what they said was not contradiction. Although the White Jade Demon has only one life, doesn't it mean death if he dies early or later? Why does Lan Phoenix mind if the White Jade Demon is taken away and sentenced to death?

But it's still not easy for him to hand people over to those seeking death without even asking. If the Supreme Being rushes, it will appear that Lan Phoenix, who was stubborn before, is being unreasonable. But judging from Lan Fenghuang, who doesn't really trust the ability to pursue life, or even the integrity of court officials, her attitude is actually justified.

Zhui Ming also knew that Lan Fenghuang had taken a step back by leaving this matter in Song Lehe's hands, so he didn't mind explaining the conflict between them clearly. In the end, Lan Fenghuang felt that he was cheating because of the concealment. They started making trouble because of the little girl.

Zhui Ming sighed and said: "The conflict between us is the most common conflict between the government and people in the world. During the hunt for the White Jade Demon, he hid in chaotic places in the town several times. The disciples of the Five Poison Sect wanted to use poison smoke to I killed half of the people in the city to ensure that the White Jade Demon would not escape. I organized it on the grounds of affecting people's health and livelihood, but it also caused him to escape many times, and even some people in the Five Poison Sect were injured because of it, so they were not willing to cooperate. I have some complaints about the arrest of the White Jade Demon. "

As a member of the imperial court, Zhui Ming must be concerned about local officials and people, and his actions are far less wanton than those in the Jianghu. What's more, the Five Poison Sect is not even a decent person. They don't worry about who is implicated when arresting people. Even if they tell them, they will only think that it is enough to make up some money.

But Zhui Ming clearly knows that in Among the people living in the slums in the city, there are many old, weak, sick and disabled people. Healthy people may be fine if they are delayed for one night, but if these people are drugged for one night, it is unclear whether they will survive or not. After all, they can neither alert the snakes and move these people out in advance; nor can they guarantee that the medicinal mist used by the Five Poison Sect will have no effect on healthy people, but will not have any impact on people who are already in poor health. Then the money to replenish them afterwards will be lost. Maybe it’s not enough for them to see a doctor.

Moreover, a martial arts sect must not set a precedent for knocking down half the city in order to hunt down one person. Otherwise, the majesty of the imperial court would be compromised, and the people would be in fear of vendettas all day long, causing great harm to everyone.

It was precisely the fact that this suggestion was rejected, and the target escaped from under their noses several times, and even dared to provoke them, that made the people of the Five Poison Sect quite unhappy, and they even complained about Zhui Ming.

And given this prejudice that the pursuit of life is merciful, it is normal for Lan Fenghuang not to be willing to hand over the White Jade Demon to him.

But if this kind of thing was told to Song Lehe, he would be able to understand the dilemma of chasing one's life. After listening to Zhui Ming's brief description of the previous situation, she nodded and said: "I know, it sounds like this White Jade Demon is as haunting as a mouse in the house, but it is extremely difficult to catch because the mouse paths extend in all directions. Mr. Zhui is also a rat. I agree to leave the White Jade Demon to you, but please stay for a while."

Zhui Ming nodded and said, "Thank you for your understanding, Miss. As for leaving the White Jade Demon here for the time being, it is appropriate. "At least we should let the Five Poison Sect who contributed their efforts and Magistrate Li who suffered the crime take a deep breath when they see the White Jade Demon's current situation.

"And I won't actually leave for the time being," Zhui Ming added, "The White Jade Demon can escape from the siege several times, which is definitely not what he can do alone. I still need to find out the matter. Leave, so the White Jade Demon can be left in the custody of the Five Poison Sect during this period, as long as I can interrogate him and save his life." If

the White Jade Demon is kept in prison for a long time, he will still worry about someone coming to rescue him. . You must know that most of the government officials in such a small place are not proficient in martial arts. Anyway, as far as Zhui Ming can see, the government officials here and in the government office are by no means the opponents who rescued the White Jade Demon before.

"Wait a minute," Zhui Ming was saying, and he saw Song Lehe, who was squatting next to the White Jade Demon, quickly reaching out and pressing on the White Jade Demon's neck. He seemed to hear a click, "Girl, what are you doing?"

This crunching sound startled Zhui Ming. He almost thought that Song Lehe had promised well, but suddenly he killed the White Jade Demon with ruthless hands. But fortunately, he quickly noticed that the White Jade Demon was still breathing and had not stopped breathing.

Song Lehe stood up and smiled sheepishly: "Although Phoenix said she was prepared, I was still a little worried that he would hurt someone, so I twisted and dislocated his neck. Don't worry, it won't affect what you do. , at best, my neck can’t move, my arms and legs are numb, I’m a doctor anyway, I can still grasp the severity. It’s getting late, I’m going to go back to sleep.”

I knew that the White Jade Demon would not die for the time being. Ming was also relieved. He knew that whether it was the Blue Phoenix poison before or Song Lehe's dislocation now, he was worried that the White Jade Demon had escaped. But in fact, after having the Blue Phoenix's Gu, he even felt that the person behind the White Jade Demon was no longer there. It would be better if he came to rescue him. He might be able to follow the clues and find the person behind it.

But this is all after this. The White Jade Demon was tortured by Blue Phoenix several times before, but he didn't say anything and was not in a hurry. However, he had promised Lan Fenghuang before that he would escort Miss Song back to Li Mansion to rest. It was hard to say that he would not go now.

"The girl was able to save Magistrate Li with her own hands. She is not only a doctor, but also a sage in the apricot forest who is worthy of the girl's medical skills. Speaking of which, the girl is young, but her medical skills are astonishing. Before that, she had never I've never heard of this girl's reputation. Is it because of her family background?" Zhui Ming stood up to see her off, but Song Lehe didn't refuse.

The sky was dark, Zhui Ming carried a lantern to send Song Lehe back to Li's Mansion, and the two of them walked and chatted.

"It is indeed a matter of family education," Song Lehe said, recalling the previous settings. "The medical skills I learned at home were fortunate to be valued by my mother-in-law, a Miao doctor, after I settled in Miao Village. She taught her all she had learned throughout her life. . With the combination of the two, my medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds. If you praise me for other things, I may be humble, but if you praise me for my medical skills, then I can only say that you have a vision."

"Hahaha, indeed, the girl has it. How can we not be proud of such medical skills?" Zhui Ming handed over his hand and thanked him, "Thanks to the girl, I first caught the White Jade Demon and then detoxified County Magistrate Li. If it hadn't been for the girl's heroic action, I don't know how things would have turned out. How bad..."

The two of them chatted all the way until Song Lehe was sent to the Li Mansion by Zhui Ming before he turned around and left.

After Song Lehe watched Zhui Ming leave, he turned around and followed the maid of the Li Mansion to the room that Mrs. Li had left for him, while reviewing his previous performance to see if he had not leaked anything.

When I walked to the door of the room, two people suddenly came next to me. The leader was a strange woman who looked a bit like the grown-up version of the little sister Lin I brought out today.

After Song Lehe saw the other party, she had a premonition of the other party's intention. Then when she opened her mouth, she felt right.

"Miss Song, thank you for saving my little girl today." Mrs. Lin was about to say something, but was interrupted by Song Lehe.

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Lin, right?" After receiving a positive answer, Song Lehe shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry about thanking me. In the end, it was me who implicated your little girl in today's matter. The thief was actually It's for me. Just don't blame me. I really can't bear your gratitude."

Mrs. Lin was stunned for a moment. It seemed that she really didn't expect this, but after that, she shook her head. He shook his head and said: "That's not what you say. They are gangsters who act unscrupulously and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They don't care how many people are involved. I heard that when the thief attacked you, he had already killed him. I'm a passerby just to disturb the guards around you. If the girl hadn't taken decisive action today, I'm afraid neither Mrs. Li nor my daughter would have survived."

Seeing that Song Lehe seemed to want to say something else, Mrs. Lin put the two boxes in her hand. Chao Song Lehe pushed his hand and said: "I know all about the grudges, not to mention it's not just today's matter. When Huaijin went to Chengdu Mansion to pick up our mother and son, the two knights who were with him were also helped by you. I don't have anything nice to repay you with, just a small token of my gratitude. It's getting late, and Shiyin was startled today. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well without her, so I'll go back up. That box is for you, and the box below is for Miss Lan."

After saying that, Mrs. Lin hurriedly left without waiting for Song Lehe to refuse.

Song Lehe opened her mouth. She could refuse the offer, but it was not easy for him to make the decision for Lan Fenghuang. Seeing Mrs. Lin leaving in a hurry, as if she was afraid of his rejection, he sighed and took the things into the room first.

Putting the box on the table, Song Lehe decided to open his share of the thank-you gift and take a look at it first. If it was too valuable, he would return it. If it was not valuable, he would just accept it and prepare it for the Lin family mother and son. Some good medicine as a reward. After all, she may not take back the thank you gift, but if it is good medicine, as a mother who needs to move long distances with her children, she will not refuse it.

Song Lehe has a special advantage in pharmaceuticals. He can directly extract the effective substances from the medicine, and can also directly synthesize the medicine in the body. In this way, the medicine is more effective than most medicines prescribed by doctors. And it will be much more convenient to eat. They may not have a stable place to brew medicine on the way back. After all, if they don't plan their itinerary well, it's easy to sleep in the wild.

The two boxes together did not weigh much. Song Lehe originally thought that the contents inside should not be too valuable, but when he opened it, he found that there were not many things inside, only a few thin pieces of paper, but when he waited When I picked it up and took a look, I found that the value of these things was definitely not low.

Because these pieces of paper included banknotes and land deeds, although he was not very clear about the place names of Chengdu Prefecture, judging from the size, this thank-you gift was already quite heavy. Moreover, the value of the banknote she gave was not low. I felt that if it had been him before the Five Poison Boy incident, this would be enough to be called a sudden fortune.

The value of the thank-you gift from him was already so valuable. What was the situation on Lan Phoenix's side? Song Lehe was quite curious. Unfortunately, it was meant to be given to Lan Phoenix after all. He was too embarrassed to open it and take a look. I can expect Lan Fenghuang to tell him tomorrow.

Nothing happened all night.

Magistrate Li woke up the next day, but his body was still a little weak, but the problem was not serious, and he could even lie in bed to handle official duties. When Mrs. Li saw that her husband was fine and even shouted about escaping from death, she finally felt relieved and scolded him for wanting to drink even though he was sick. She didn't even think about it before she returned to Li. Mansion. She was worried yesterday because she slept on her husband's small couch in the government office, and her whole body ached from sleeping.

Lan Fenghuang didn't know where he ran last night, but he went to the government office early in the morning and took Mrs. Li home. After Song Lehe washed up, he saw Lan Fenghuang coaxing Mrs. Li into the room to catch up on her sleep. He quickly called Lan Fenghuang and told him about yesterday's promise to save the life of the White Jade Demon for trial and the thank you gift given by Mrs. Lin. Tell Lan Fenghuang about it.

Lan Fenghuang nodded. She seemed to no longer care about the previous matter. She only mentioned one thing about the White Jade Demon: "Just put him in the woodshed. Someone will send him the Gu worms needed for torture. Those who have eaten them before will be fine." Those who have suffered losses need someone to vent to, and I will tell them not to kill them."

Then she opened the box that Mrs. Lin gave her, took out the contents and shook them, and said a little surprised: "I didn't expect that a woman from a literary family would have such a collection!" What

was taken out of the box was the same two pieces of paper as Song Lehe - the banknote and the land deed. However, Lan Fenghuang's land deed was a Outside the house is a thin book. Judging from the name, it seems to be a secret book. I don't know if it is about external or internal skills. However, whether it is external strength or internal strength, Mrs. Lin's two gifts are definitely thoughtful.

Song Lehe was alone and settled in Miao Village. Even if he was given a house, he probably wouldn't have anyone to take care of it. It would be better to just give him land and money. Lan Fenghuang had money and people, so the banknotes in the box were slightly smaller than Song Lehe's. Young, and she is a wanderer and easily travels around, so I left a house for her to stay. She also has someone to take care of the house so that it will not be abandoned. As for this secret book, it is probably from the Lin family's collection and is of little use to Mrs. Lin, but the Blue Phoenix given to people in the world is just right.

Lan Fenghuang looked at it casually and put the things away. He turned to Song Lehe and said, "The Sun and Moon God Sect finally sent news and found Xia Xueyi's whereabouts. I intend to go to the Central Plains. Do you want to come with me?" "

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024