Chapter 038: Store Manager Dies Suddenly

(When the security staff cannot solve the problem, the elephant repairman will come out to help.)
(Originally there were two elephants in the hospital, but one of them lost its mask, so naturally there is only one elephant in the hospital now.)
(To fight the Elephant Repairman, you must wear the Elephant Mask.)
(Breaking through with brute force is a very bad idea.)
(This trick cannot be used until the final clearance.)
(You think about it for a while and decide to use the fire to attract the attention of the security department.)
(The Security Department's work manual states that it is their responsibility to protect the safety of hospital property. If a fire occurs, the Security Department will definitely go out to rescue.)
(The fire can distract the security department, but at the same time, I have to deceive the Deer Headman's trust and let him be attacked in Room 0 to attract the security department to the scene.)
(How can you accomplish this task if you are alone?)
(You looked at Xu Nian, but quickly rejected your idea.)
(If I let Xu Nian set the fire, he might end up getting killed, which goes against the rules, and I will definitely die as well.)
(Since it is impossible to set fire to the room and trick the deer-headed man into room 0 at the same time, is it possible to make the spider in room 0 leave the room?)
(You are amazed at your own bold ideas.)
(You went to the basement level and stole the master key.)
(You sneak into Room 0.)
(The giant spider stares at you.)
(You take out the live toad.)
(The spider cowered in a corner in fear.)
(The toad stretched out its long tongue and easily stuck to the spider's head.)
(The giant spider shrinks immediately.)
(Toad withdraws his tongue.)
(When the toad was about to swallow the spider, you immediately reached out and grabbed the toad's tongue. You took the spider off the toad's tongue and put it in a glass bottle.)
( The spider is in the glass bottle and is about to grow bigger. You stick the toad outside the bottle wall and the spider shrinks back immediately.)
(Your experiment was successful.)
(You tied the toad and the spider together and put them in your kangaroo pants.)
(You take the employee elevator to the second basement floor.)
(You walked into the warehouse and ignited the flammable materials.)
(You return to the kitchen on the first floor and throw a handful of matches into the smoke duct of the cafeteria. The flames instantly spread across the entire smoke duct.)
(Two fires shot up into the sky.)
(Everyone in the hospital was in a state of chaos. The second minute after the fire started, all security personnel rushed to the scene and started the firefighting work in time.)
(You quickly run to the second floor.)
(The Deer-Headed Man and the doctor had not heard about the fire yet. When the announcement sounded, everyone started to panic.)
(A security guard suddenly appeared in front of everyone and directed the guests to evacuate in an orderly manner. The doctors and nurses had to stop treating the patients.)
(You hide in the corner, untie the toad outside the bottle wall, and throw the bottle behind the crowd.)
(You look towards the field silently.)
(The spider suddenly grows larger, causing everyone to panic.)
(The security department wanted to call for help, but no one came. Everyone was downstairs putting out the fire , and no one could help him.)
(The spider bit the security officer to death.)
(Before the spider devours the body of the security officer, you release the toad again.)
(The toad devoured the spider.)
(You rush forward and quickly take off the dog-head mask.)
(You hear footsteps coming upstairs.)
(You put all your belongings into your pants, pretending to be a patient, and blended into the group of patients.)
(The dean arrives late.)
(He cursed the security department for being useless and ran downstairs to help put out the fire.)
(The fire was quickly brought under control.)
(You breathe a sigh of relief.)
(You sneak back to your room.)
(You hear an argument outside the square.)
(You lean on the windowsill and look out.)
(You find the dean pointing a gun at the store manager's head.)
(The dean killed the store manager.)
(you are dead.)
(The deduction is over!)
"Why did you die so soon?"
Gu Yi sat up from the bed, covering his head and thinking carefully.
Could it be that I have violated some rules unknowingly?
Is it the rule that “you can’t stand by and watch someone die”?
That’s right!
The dean must have found out that the spiders suddenly disappeared because someone used toads to trap them, so he ran to the store to question the manager.
The store manager was unwilling to give out his name, so the dean killed him in anger.
The store manager had already regarded Gu Yi as his partner. When he died because of Gu Yi, Gu Yi violated the rule of "not standing by and watching someone die".
If the store manager hadn't died and he confessed that he was the one who bought the toad, then he would have to face the dean again and would end up dead in the end.
This road won’t work!
Gu Yi took a deep breath and started to deduce again.
(Deduction begins!)
(You lie in bed and think.)
(At this point, it is obviously not the time to use the live toad. There must be some other way to lure the security department into Room 0.)
(Once the dean joined the fray, the whole process became very difficult.)
(You think you may be rushing things.)
(Now may not be the best time to get the Dog Head Mask.)
(Maybe I should go to the secret room on the second underground floor to take a look.)
(You put on the pig head mask and go to the office on the second floor underground.)
(The office this time is slightly different from last time.)
(The keyboard on the desk is being tapped by a pair of invisible hands.)
(Even if you put on all the masks, you still can't see the owner of these big hands.)
(You speculate that this office is the shadow of the office on the third floor. The dean is currently working in the office on the third floor, so the sound of keyboard typing can be heard in the office here.)
(Since there is a secret room in this office, is there also a secret room in the office on the third floor?)
(You decide to wait until midnight and explore the third floor office again to verify your speculation.)
(You open the secret room in the office using the same method as last time.)
(The doll is screaming hysterically.)
(You put on a pig mask.)
(The doll suddenly stops crying and looks at you in confusion. The woman behind the doll also raises her head, and her traumatized face surprisingly regains its former brightness.)
(The woman herself spoke and made a sound.)
(Woman: "Who are you? Why do you have my daughter's things? Where did you take my daughter?")
(You think quickly.)
(Your mask is Toto's handmade mask, which must have a very important meaning to your mother and Toto.)
(The woman spoke, but the doll remained silent, which clearly indicated that the mother's rationality had regained the upper hand.)
(If your answer is wrong, not only will you not get any new clues, but you will also likely trigger a death flag.)
( You activate the mask's ability and ask the woman what she desires most, but you get no answer.)
(You guessed that the woman was too powerful, so the mask's mind-reading ability could not be activated.)
(You can only try to calm the woman down.)
(You: “Your daughter is safe.”)
(Woman: "You're lying!")
Jul 01, 2024
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Jul 01, 2024