Chapter 022 Forgiveness

"What's going on? Why are you still not telling the truth?" Li Daming shouted angrily.
Director Jin sighed, lowered his head and said, "Now that things have come to this, I will tell you everything. Chen Lun's class teacher at the time is now Principal Cao."
"Ah?" We were all surprised and looked at each other.
Once Director Jin opened his mouth, it was as if he had put down a heavy burden, and he began to talk nonstop: "At that time, Principal Cao was still Teacher Cao. He was going to be evaluated for a professional title, and he was a competitor of that female teacher. That female teacher got carried away and punished Chen Lun..."
He really couldn't say it. Li Daming continued, "So Principal Cao thought the opportunity had come. The female teacher made such a big mistake, which would definitely affect her career, so he pretended not to see it. He helped to stir up trouble and make the matter bigger... In the end, Chen Lun jumped off the building, which was exactly what he wanted."
Director Jin squeaked and whined, "That's what you said, I didn't say that."
An idea suddenly occurred to me, "What was the name of the girl who pushed Chen Lun against the classroom door? She was the one who was given a serious warning later."
Director Jin said, "Her name is Wang Yue. I remember it clearly. It's a catchy name."
The truth was not revealed to the world until this point. Knowing the whole story, my heart felt heavy.
Our task in this level is to make Wang Yue pay for her past sins and obtain forgiveness from the person she hurt the most, who is Chen Lun.
Chen Lun has been dead for many years now, but the resentment is still in this building, condensing and lingering, making it impossible to demolish the entire building. You can imagine how strong this resentment is. It may not be that easy to get the forgiveness of such a wronged soul.
"Are we still going up to take a look?" Li Daming asked Uncle Zhong softly.
Uncle Zhong took out the compass and looked at it. "Come over at nine o'clock in the evening to perform the ritual. At that time, the yin energy will be at its peak. We can summon Chen Lun's wronged soul to have a chat. We can't summon his soul now."
Director Jin was so nervous that he almost peed: "Masters, I won't come tonight."
"You don't have to come." Uncle Zhong said, "In order to solve this matter, two people must be present. They must be here."
"Who, who?" Director Jin asked tremblingly, "It can't be our principal, right?"
Uncle Zhong said: "One is the female teacher who insulted Chen Lun back then, and the other is Chen Lun's mother."
Director Jin was speechless and stammered, "It's not difficult, but..." Li Daming frowned and said, why are you so fussy? Just say it if you have something to say.
Director Jin scratched his head and said, "That female teacher is dead."
"Ah, how did he die?" Uncle Zhong was shocked.
Director Jin sighed, "It's really weird. She committed suicide by burning charcoal at home. Her husband was away on a business trip for a few days. When he came home, he was almost stinking. The whole house was filled with the smell of charcoal and corpses. Hey, let's not talk about this. It's unlucky to talk about it."
"What about Chen Lun's mother?" I asked.
Director Jin said, "She's still here, but she doesn't care about us school leaders. It's not easy for this woman to live alone these years. She's a little mentally unstable. It's very difficult to invite her here."
"It's difficult but we have to ask for help." Uncle Zhong said, "It's only noon now. There are still several hours before the evening ritual. Let's split up. Director Jin, go find the photo of the female teacher who committed suicide. It would be best if she had some clothes. Let's go visit Chen Lun's mother. With my eloquence, I should be able to get her out."
Director Jin was still hesitating, and kept making excuses by saying "this, that".
Uncle Zhong nodded and said, "Well, I will come to summon the soul at night, but I will not pray for the soul to be reborn. I will let Chen Lun's wronged soul follow you. Don't forget that you are also one of her enemies. Your fate will not be much better than that of the charcoal-burning suicide."
Director Jin waved his hands as if his butt was on fire. "No, no, I was wrong. I'll take care of the female teacher's matter. I'll give you the address of Chen Lun's mother's house later. You can go there."
We exited the gloomy teaching building and Director Jin locked the door tightly. He took us back to the office and asked his staff to find the address of Chen Lun's mother and then copy it down for us.
Director Jin pretended to invite us to dinner, but Uncle Zhong told him that he would not have dinner and told him to prepare everything quickly and that we would meet at school at nine o'clock in the evening.
When the three of us came out of the school, each of us felt heavy in our hearts, especially me, who felt like a huge rock was pressing on my chest.
Uncle Zhong led the two of us to a random restaurant in front of the school and had a meal instead of rushing to look for the dead. I asked him if he was sure of summoning the dead soul and saving his soul at night.
Uncle Zhong shook his head slowly. "Let me be frank. This matter is extremely difficult to handle. It is a hundred or a thousand times more difficult than Cai Cheng's. Cai Cheng is a human being. No matter how bad he is, he still feels guilty. Chen Lun, who died unjustly, has a lot of resentment. Over the past ten years, she has accumulated negative energy and has become a wronged soul. Moreover, she has also hurt other innocent people over the years. The resentment has accumulated and the sins have been paid back. I can't successfully save her soul in one night. The difficulty here is not very difficult, not extremely difficult, but almost impossible ."
I was so shocked that I nearly dropped my chopsticks: "Then...then Wang Yue can't be saved? I...I'm done for too..."
Uncle Zhong said, "What are you afraid of? Our goal is not to save Chen Lun, but to make her forgive Wang Yue."
Li Daming was stunned: "Uncle Zhong, since the wronged souls can forgive the sinners of the past, she can also be saved."
"Haha." Uncle Zhong smiled. "There are too many people that the wronged soul hates, not only Wang Yue, but also a group of students and the teacher who is the culprit... We don't care about the others, and we can't control them. As long as she forgives Wang Yue, it will be fine. I don't think this should be difficult. Chen Lun and Wang Yue must have had a good relationship back then, otherwise they wouldn't have been joking and playing around in the corridor. Maybe Chen Lun didn't hate Wang Yue that much over the years, who knows."
"I hope so." I was confused and poked the rice with chopsticks.
Uncle Zhong wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.
After dinner, we took the address and followed the map to find a community. This is an old community, the residential buildings are all shabby, and there are many thick black wires hanging outside the wall, just exposed. We found the building, went straight up to the fifth floor, and came to the second door. Li Daming stepped forward to knock on the door.
I said worriedly, "Is Chen Lun's mother mentally ill?"
Uncle Zhong frowned.
"This is what Director Jin said." I said quickly.
Li Daming was angry: "That guy is a smooth talker. He is an office director and he talks nonsense. Who would listen to him?" He went up and knocked on the door.
Not long after, a cough was heard from the door, and an old woman's voice came: "Who is it?"
Chen Lun's mother's surname is Wang. Li Daming asked, "Aunt Wang? Please open the door."
The lacquered door opened, and a gray-haired woman poked her head out. She looked to be not too old, around fifty, but her face was full of wrinkles, her back was hunched, and she coughed as she spoke: "Who are you?"
"Auntie Wang ." Li Daming said, "We are here because of Chen Lun's matter."
Aunt Wang obviously couldn't bear to hear this name, and she collapsed immediately, her whole body limply sliding down the door frame. Uncle Zhong quickly stepped over, supported her, kicked the door open with his foot, and motioned for us to go in.
The three of us helped her into the house, which was a one-bedroom and one-living room. The living room was very clean and simple, which was different from what I imagined. This woman had lost her daughter and was single. In my opinion, she was not in the mood to take care of her life and was very sloppy. But now I saw that the room was clean and even the windows were clean. This proved a problem. She was not mentally ill as Director Jin said. On the contrary, this woman had a strong self-healing ability and was strong enough not to compromise with life.
On the eight-immortals table in the living room, I saw photos of Chen Lun when he was alive. The frames were spotlessly clean and contained yellowed old photos. I could vaguely see that Chen Lun was very beautiful during her adolescence. She was wearing a red dress, bending her knees gracefully, holding the corner of her skirt in her hands, and looked like a princess in a Disney movie.
I was quite fascinated by what I saw. Such a lovely girl met with a catastrophic disaster, and a young life was lost at the hands of a group of people's vicious tongues. Is there any justice in the world?
Under Uncle Zhong's care, Aunt Wang woke up and sat there crying, covering her face.
I didn't know how to start talking about this. Facing such a sad woman of her aunt's age, I felt ashamed to think that I came here for a selfish purpose.
This family has been burdened with too much sorrow, and no one knows how they have managed to get through these many years. Now they want forgiveness from the person involved. These words may seem light, but in fact they are as heavy as a mountain.
Li Daming said, "Aunt Wang, I was Chen Lun's classmate back then."
Aunt Wang looked up at him.
Uncle Zhong and I didn't expect Li Daming to speak so freely. Li Daming said, "I admired her very much back then, but then something like that happened... I won't talk about the past. A few days ago, I had a dream about Chen Lun, who said he was very cold and lonely and didn't want to be a wandering ghost. At first I thought it was a case of thinking about something during the day and dreaming about it at night, but then I thought it was not right. What if it was true? I quickly looked for friends and used many connections to invite Uncle Zhong, who is a senior consultant of the Yijing Association in the city and a Taoist master. I want him to pray for Chen Lun's soul. Right, Uncle Zhong?"
Uncle Zhong stared at him, then suddenly smiled and nodded, "Yes. I didn't agree at first, but then this kid stood in front of my door for three days and three nights before I agreed to come out."
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