Chapter 02

Chapter 02

The sentry was still dizzy when he came out of the registration center. He blinked hard and walked along the narrow rain shelter strip on the roadside.

After encountering several large hailstones head-on, the sentry finally realized what to do at the moment.

We need to find a hover car quickly.

As soon as he opened the terminal, he felt a pinprick-like pain in his mental realm again. The sentry cursed fiercely and kicked the roadside light.

The alarm sounded, the leakage protection failed to turn on in time, and all the street lights went out. The sentry suddenly became paralyzed and fell towards the drain behind him.


It's the drain again, this thing has a grudge against him.

And that damn bug. The sentry waved his fist fiercely. He was a special kind of person. He wasn't even afraid of the bugs, but he made a huge somersault on the little bug.

When he gets to Edge Star and has the opportunity to show off his abilities, he will definitely let Feng Xi know the true strength of the C-class Sentinels.

Anyway, it is definitely more reliable than the guide.

The fantasy in his mind ended, and the sentry groaned and pulled up his legs that were stuck in the drain. It felt weird to the touch down there. There was an unknown amount of silt accumulated, and there were oval-shaped hard lumps stuck in the middle, which was very uncomfortable.

A huge black shadow emerged from the top of the sentry's head, heading towards his neck with unstoppable momentum.

The streetlight suddenly turned on again, and metallic spikes intertwined with dazzling white light, forming a scene in front of the sentry.

The sharp tentacles barely brushed the tip of the sentinel's ear, bringing out a string of dark red blood.

The soft mud beneath his feet squirmed, swallowing the legs in his mouth deeper. On the ground, the dark and hard-backed creature showed its fangs and rushed towards the sentry again.

The sentry closed his eyes, and the green hard shell covered both sides. He shrunk his neck and squeezed himself into the shield brought by the turtle's fusion state.

Two Zerg are attacking each other, where is Feng Xi? Come and save him!


door of the registration center closed behind Feng Xi, and the communication that he had deliberately ignored began to vibrate again. He sighed, held the terminal with one hand, and clicked to connect.

Feng An's projection appeared in the air. He was sitting at his desk, and the press conference held by the security association acted as the background sound.

The noisy questions and the mechanical retro shutter prompts shocked Feng Xi's nerves. He moved the communication away and "turned off the news." He

barely found a dry place to stand. With the umbrella handle resting on his wrist, Feng Xi pressed I pinched my brows, but still felt irritated, so I simply took out the medicine.

The continuous rainy season in the central star breeds many annoying flying insects, hiding in various dark corners, which are incompatible with this city full of steel and projections.

After the rainy season, plant spirits unique to the Central Star appear, and groups of tourists will arrive by spaceship, injecting vitality into the tourism industry of the Central Star.

But the Feng family was accused of violating safety protocols at this time. If the safety public opinion is not resolved as soon as possible, a large number of travel companies in Central Star that use Zhongfeng Shipping Spaceships will be affected.

Therefore, he has received tens of thousands of letters and invitations to various press conferences in the past few days, and he feels physically uncomfortable when he hears questions.

"Okay." Feng An moved out of the frame to turn off the news, and a voice came, "Brother, when will you come back? Now that we have found out who did it, can we start the investigation from there?"

"Pressure of the company's public opinion "It's too big. I've asked ordinary employees to leave so as not to cause trouble by saying things that shouldn't be said."

The specially made calming potion was loosely held between Feng Xi's fingers, and the cold potion sank down the throat, bringing a biting chill. .

"Okay. It's up to you."

"What else..." Before he could find a reason to hang up the communication, a latest model of hover car drove past the outer wall of a tall building.

The smart butler's warning sounds were harsh and intensive, and the emergency braking system emitted sparks, but it still couldn't stop the vehicle from sliding sideways.

The collision assist system did its best and rolled the passengers into the deep alley.

Thanks to the light pollution from the high-rise building, Feng Xi standing outside couldn't see the scene in the alley at all. The narrow passage he passed by when he came in covered his face like a devil's throat.

Feng Xi was silent, then pressed the emergency button on the side out of humanitarianism, held up his umbrella and ran towards the dark alley.

Imperial law stipulates that citizens are obliged to provide assistance to injured citizens, but it was not the regulations that made Feng Xi take action immediately.

As the car slid sideways in front of him, the metallic shell and waving tentacles underneath the car all showed that there was more to the car accident than it seemed.


Creatures that usually appear in ocean battle reports suddenly break into the peaceful environment of the central star. If no one controls the field, the chaos in the early stage will definitely be ugly.

The pounding sound of rain came from the dark alley, intermittent with a little whimpering, and the unbearable burnt smell caused by the collision of metal lingered on the tip of Feng Xi's nose, lingering.

He frowned and tapped the Sentry multifunction device next to his ear to block out the smell.

Beside him, the long tail of a creature covered with gray-blue scales swept past, its golden vertical pupils shrank for a moment, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The weak pheromones in the air have been captured by Feng Xi.

There are acquaintances.

It was the sentry who had just been taught a lesson. Feng Xi frowned and looked at the scene in front of him.

If the sentry wasn't crushed to death, he should be able to control one or two Zerg.

Otherwise it would be too much of a waste.

The overturned vehicle was pressed against one side, and there were several free Zerg climbing on the high wall on the other side.

The acidic saliva of the insects corroded foam-like spots on the ground, and the smell of sulfur mixed with the rainwater made people feel even more unhappy.

Feng Xi was somewhat thankful that he had used the sedative in advance, otherwise he might not have been able to control the range of his attack in such a scene.

Special people generally have the mental power to fight against the Zerg. Sentinels who are not good at using their mental power can kill several adult insects with their powerful five senses and physical fitness.

The guide naturally inhibits the Zerg's mental network for transmitting information, and at the same time takes on the responsibility of stabilizing the five senses of the sentinel.

Turning sideways to avoid the attacking minions of the Insect Warrior, Feng Xi jumped back, keeping a safe distance.

There were dots of burn marks on several of the insect attendants, which looked like wounds caused when they passed through the atmosphere.

But this is not really good news.

Being able to pass through the atmosphere shows that the intensity of these insect warriors has reached a terrifying level. No matter how hard it seems, relying on the body to resist is not a good option.

Feng Xi clicked his tongue, and subconsciously swung his left hand to block it and collided with the spikes, spurting out blood.

For these nasty bugs, the blood of special humans has always driven them crazy.

He used his good right hand to throw aside the obstructive earphones. The complex information rushed into his senses in an instant, and was contained one by one by the guide's calm mental power.

Trying his best to ignore the stench, the trajectory of the insects' movements was outlined in his mind. Feng Xi turned his head and used the overturned vehicle to avoid the insect attendants who were rushing towards him madly.

The terminal fell to the other side while hiding, and Feng An's panicked questions lured away the chasing Chongshi.

After taking a brief breather, Feng Xi met the wide-open eyes in the car window.

The smart butler in the car finally waited for the savior, grabbed the emergency hammer by the window and smashed the car window.

"Please take him away, this car is about to explode."

Before Feng Xi could respond, the smart housekeeper's emergency power supply bottomed out and it soon crashed.

The refrigeration system that had been started by the housekeeper stopped, and the crackling sound of a power short circuit was heard endlessly.

Feng Xi could only take the child out and protect him behind him, and took out the self-defense weapon placed in the car. "What's your name?"

"Moss." Moss hugged his schoolbag tightly and was pulled by Feng Xi to move to the alley.

The exit was firmly blocked by the insect servant, so Feng Xi could only put Moss down, and his flexible and concealed mental power tentacles spread toward the obvious mental fluctuations in the air.

Just for a moment, the attack of the Insect Warrior slowed down and gradually stopped moving. Its companions still didn't know what happened and were trying their best to charge forward.

One. Two.

Feng Xi's mental power came and went like water waves without a trace, and was about to spread to the last insect servant when Moss's urgent scream came.

Ignoring the last insect servant, Feng Xi withdrew and ran towards Moss.

At the entrance of the alley, the familiar sentry trembled, forcefully holding Moss's hand and dragging him towards another fork in the road.

"Is that you?" Feng Xi recognized the sentry who left before him. The sharp light of the knife handle reflected between the two of them.

"Put him down." Feng Xi put down the last insect servant who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to attack. "Sentinel, the empire's laws protect minors a lot. Are you sure you want to do this?"

The sentry froze and tremblingly accused: "What's your name? " I'm a sentinel? You don't know what my name is?"

As the sentinel moved dramatically, the tentacles piercing his back were revealed.

Breeding mother.

Feng Xi flashed the vocabulary he had learned in his mind. All the children of the Zerg tribe are born from the insect mother, but the insect mother needs to manage a huge population. The being responsible for fertilizing and hatching the eggs laid by the insect mother is called a broodmother.

The broodmother usually stabs her eggs into the energy-rich ore, but apparently there is no suitable location in the central star.

So the broodmother chooses to use humans as a breeding ground, especially special people who are innately able to provide special nutrients to the eggs.

Feng Xi was speechless. He knew that the sentry was not strong enough, but he didn't expect him to be such a useless snack.

The sentry's eyes were red, and he looked at Feng Xi fiercely, "I won't let go! As long as there is prey that is better than me, I will be fine."

"I haven't done anything, why should I be the one who encounters the Zerg?" ."

As the sentry retreated, the foster mother hidden behind her showed a little bit.

Trouble is, this is a complete Zerg team. If the brood mother is allowed to survive, this area will be shut down for a long time.

Feng Xi stopped moving to avoid irritating the sentry, but behind his back he was groping for the direction of his mother-in-law, trying to kill her with one strike.

He always felt that things were not that simple, but there were too few opportunities to face off against the Zerg, and he failed to have a flash of inspiration.

The rustling sound came from behind him, and before Feng Xi had time to turn around, severe pain came from his right shoulder, and the tentacles that clearly belonged to the Zerg tribe penetrated directly into his flesh and blood.

Damn it.

Sure enough, something was missing. The regular Zerg team consisted of insect servants and adults.

This time, there was an extra broodmother disturbing his vision, and he actually forgot about the adults he should be most wary of.

He couldn't distance himself now. Even if he tried his best to disrupt the adult insect's spirit, the time required would be enough for the insect to pierce him.

Before he could hesitate, new movement came from the entrance. Against the light, Feng Xi could not distinguish it for a moment.

Faster than the sound was the pheromone that escaped to the tip of the nose, and the breath that had disappeared in the registration center came to mind again.

"Take it, you go and deal with the broodmother, and leave the adults to me." The man's cold voice came, followed closely by a cold weapon.

Feng Xi stretched out his hand and held the simple laser gun steady in his hand.

After glancing at the man, Feng Xi quickly switched the weapon to enemy mode, and the vertical trajectory quickly burned the broodmother's exposed tentacles clean.

Due to the weather, the power of the laser gun was not as good as before. Feng Xi frowned and took a few steps into the darkness. The injury on his shoulder always reminded him to be more careful.

The man who joined the battle was pretty good, at least he was good at dealing with the Zerg.

Feng Xi temporarily turned his attention behind him and almost walked to the drain.

Just a few seconds later, he saw the remains of his foster mother escaping inside.

The dangerous intuition belonging to the guide suddenly appeared, and a creepy feeling appeared on his back, and Feng Xi slid sideways.

The leopard-shaped beast looked at him deeply, its dark pupils seemed to have black holes, sucking people in deeply.

Black leopard?

This was not a good time to think about reviewing the creatures of the ancient Blue Star. The adult fell to the ground, having already lost its breath.

But there is clearly something more dangerous at this time.

Sentinels are extremely capable in individual combat, but on the contrary, they are extremely difficult to suppress when they go crazy.

Feng Xi pressed the button of the laser weapon, trying to suppress the frantic sentry at once.

I really don’t know which one is more difficult to deal with, the frantic sentinels or the adult insects.

The terrible thing is that his mental power cannot naturally attract the sentry, and there is no way to predict whether this person will attack directly or do something strange.

"Calm down, I'll call emergency rescue for you. The Special Personnel Registration Center is right next to it, and there are plenty of tranquilizers there." Feng Xi took a step back, but his speed was obviously not as fast as the top sentry.

Feng Xi took a deep breath and tried his best to move forward through the opponent's thick and abnormal mental barrier.

What level of sentinel can add so many layers of defense to itself? If it comes to a critical moment, the guide may not be able to get in after the sentinel's mental domain self-destructs.

It will indeed only bring trouble to yourself.

Finally got in.

Just as the solemn look on Feng Xi's face fell, the black-haired sentry was already in front of him.

With eyes as black as deep holes, the man stared at him for a moment and then lowered his head.

The soft touch on his neck was distinct, and the tip of the sentry's nose touched the side of his neck.

For special people, this is where their pheromones naturally escape the most, and they are mostly contacted by their partners.

The black-haired sentry had obviously lost his mind. He hesitated for a few times, then lowered his head and stopped at the wound on the guide's shoulder.

Feng Xi's body froze.

Hell, he took a lick!

Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024