Chapter 008 Physical Transformation

Sure enough, when Chen Jue was awakened by the crowing of a rooster at around 5 o'clock the next morning, he felt relaxed all over. The fatigue and soreness caused by yesterday's hard exercise disappeared without a trace overnight.
When he went to the bathroom to wash up, he also found that his complexion and temperament were much better than before he came back.
When I was working in Hangzhou, I often stayed up late and checked my phone, which caused toxins to accumulate in my liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. My face became dark and oily, and my urine was often yellow and smelly.
But this time when I returned to my hometown, I followed a regular schedule, went to bed before 11 o'clock, and got up at nearly 6 o'clock in the morning. Although I only slept for more than seven hours, the oiliness on my face was reduced a lot.
I feel comfortable and won’t get irritated after peeing early in the morning, and even my hair doesn’t fall out in clumps as before.
“This is the perfect work and rest state I long for!”
After discovering this change, Chen Jue seemed a little excited, and felt that his decision last night to add all the free attribute points to physical fitness was a very correct choice.
"Let's go! Morning exercise!"
Chen Jue became somewhat addicted to the feeling of practicing martial arts. Even if he woke up after a night's sleep, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't practice boat punch.

After washing up, Chen Jue changed into the shorts, short-sleeved shirt and sneakers he brought with him, pushed the door open, and jogged all the way up the mountain.
Since there were nearly a week's worth of food in the refrigerator, Chen Jue didn't plan to rush to Panlong Town today. He simply went for a jog around the reservoir and practiced his boxing at the same time.
After all, the air is freshest and cleanest in the early morning.
Chencun Reservoir is surrounded by mountains, with abundant water and grass, and occasional egrets flying by and playing. It is simply a natural ecological oxygen bar.
After jogging all the way up to the reservoir dam, Chen Jue felt that he had more strength than before. He just took a few deep breaths and his beating heart calmed down.
He knew that this was because he had raised his physical fitness to 1.25 last night.
At this time, there were at least two hours before the sun rose over the highest peak, Leigong Peak. Chen Jue took a deep breath of the fresh air blowing from the embankment and began to practice the boat fist.
In the distant Huangjia Village, the sound of roosters crowing could be heard from time to time, wisps of smoke from breakfast cooking rose up, and the smell of burning firewood filled the air.
Most of the elderly people in the village have short sleep periods, so it is very normal for them to get up at this time.
As for the surface of the reservoir, ripples can be seen occasionally, which are the movements of fish jumping out of the water. Occasionally, egrets fly over the water and land in the shallow weeds, creating a peaceful and tranquil picture.
“I’ve come to the right place!”
Looking at the picturesque scenery around him, Chen Jue couldn't help but sigh with emotion.
Previously, we practiced on the reservoir dam at night, where visibility was limited and we couldn’t see the entire surrounding scenery.
It was early morning and there was plenty of light, allowing Chen Jue to see the entire picture of the Chencun Reservoir.
Moreover, when he stood on the embankment, the cool breeze of the early morning blew from time to time, bringing with it extremely fresh air, which made his mouth, nose, and lungs feel cleansed and extremely comfortable.
This is the joy of being close to nature that you can never experience when living in the city!
There is no car exhaust, no smoke from construction sites, no noise from car horns, only a poetic and picturesque scene of harmonious coexistence in the reservoir.
When practicing , Chen Jue only felt that his moves were smooth and his mind was very focused.
The skill proficiency on the panel is also increasing rapidly, including the free attribute points.
When the outline of the sun appeared at the highest peak of Leigong Peak in the distance and a heat wave came along with the dazzling light, Chen Jue stopped practicing and started walking down the mountain.
Glancing at the time on his phone, it was already around 8:30 in the morning. This session of boxing practice took more than two hours, during which Chen Jue even stopped to sit on the guardrail at the edge of the embankment to rest for half an hour.
The panel properties also experienced a leapfrog growth in just two and a half hours.
Name: Chen Jue
Age: 27
Strength: 0.87
Agility: 0.79
Intelligence: 1.22
Constitution: 1.25
Skills: [Ship Fist Lv1 (32/200)]
Allocable free attribute points: 0.05
After a morning exercise, strength and agility were each improved a little bit under the stimulation of the boat fist, and the free attribute points accumulated by 0.05.
As for the proficiency of the ship fist, it increased by about 31 points.
The efficiency can be said to have almost taken off compared to before!
If he continued to practice like this, it would probably take less than a year for Chen Jue to become a martial arts master like in the novels.
However, this is just his wishful thinking. No one knows whether this attribute panel can maintain the rapid improvement in the early stage.

After all, Chen Jue's current physical foundation is weak. Except for his physique and intelligence which are much higher than the standard adult male, his strength and agility are not as good as the standard.
"It should be lower than the standard value so that it can be improved faster!"
"Just like the physical attribute, there is no change after a good night's sleep and a whole morning of training. After exceeding 1 standard value, the growth rate also slows down." Chen Jue guessed and walked quickly down the mountain.
Because the way down the mountain was steep and Chen Jue's attributes had greatly improved, it took him about twenty minutes to walk from the reservoir to the next door Linjia Village.
I glanced at the time and it was already 9 o'clock in the morning. The Lin's breakfast shop was about to close.
"Most rural people get up early and have to spend a lot of time on the road to work or school in the city. The breakfast shop's business can probably only last until about 9 o'clock, and no later than 9:30." Chen Jue guessed secretly, took a look at the things on the stall, ordered a bowl of sweet soy milk, a large bowl of glutinous rice, and two fried sesame balls.
Not long after he sat down to eat, Chen Jue saw a familiar-looking woman of the same age walking down from the second floor of the breakfast shop.
She had fair and pretty skin and wore light makeup on her face. In her arms was a little girl with messy hair and sleepy eyes, who looked about 3 or 4 years old.
After seeing Chen Jue, the woman holding the child exclaimed: "You are... Chen Jue from Chen Village?!"
"Do you know me?" Chen Jue was a little surprised and put down his bowl and chopsticks.
"I'm Lin Mengruo, your deskmate in elementary school. You won't have forgotten me, right? I was in Class 3 of Shannan Elementary School." The pretty girl explained with a giggle.
Chen Jue's thoughts suddenly came to him like a spring, and his memory went back to his childhood when he lived in the countryside.
"So it's you! It's been at least fifteen years since we last met!"
"Is this your daughter? She's very cute. How old is she?"
Chen Jue recalled his primary school days. He went to Shannan Primary School under Linjia Village, and entered the middle school in the county town after graduating from primary school.
He had been sitting at the same table with Lin Mengruo for several years. They were childhood sweethearts and playmates. He didn't expect to meet her here again.
I just didn't expect that Lin Ruomeng, who is the same age as me, has already married someone else and her child is old enough to go out to play. I can't help but sigh that time flies.
"He's already 4 years old and very naughty! I'll send him to kindergarten after the summer vacation." Lin Mengruo said, and asked about Chen Jue's recent situation.
After learning that Chen Jue was still single, Lin Mengruo's eyes flashed with a strange look: "Do you want me to introduce my sister to you? She just graduated from college and is still looking for a job in the city."
"Forget about introducing me to a partner! I'm not planning to get married so early, haha." Chen Jue smiled awkwardly and declined a few times.
I have the impression that my elementary school deskmate did have a sister who followed him around like a little dog, but it was so long ago that I can't remember it very clearly.
I guess if I come here for breakfast more often in the future, I’m sure I’ll meet him again.
But after awakening the attribute panel, Chen Jue gave up the idea of ​​romance.
How can dating be as exciting and comfortable as practicing martial arts?
" You guys, after going to the city, have all started to follow the city folks and get married later. The guys in my elementary school class are just like you. They're almost 30 and still haven't gotten married. Their families are urging them to... "
Listening to Lin Mengruo's complaints, Chen Jue was so embarrassed that he almost dug out a three-bedroom apartment with his toes.
But on second thought, at this age in life, talking about marriage seems to have become a common thing.
If he had not awakened this attribute panel, returned to his old home in the countryside, and learned some boxing and martial arts, it is estimated that Chen Jue would still be staying in Hangzhou to work hard.
When the time comes, I will find a girl with a similar personality to marry, have children, carry on the family line, shed the label of a rural person, and live an ordinary city life.
"Would you be willing to live like this?"
Chen Jue asked himself this question, but for a moment he had no answer.
He glanced at Lin Mengruo, who was holding her daughter and feeding her breakfast. From her beautiful face, he could vaguely see some fatigue from taking care of her children and the tiredness from her busy life. Chen Jue suddenly woke up: "This is not the life I want!"

Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024