Chapter 0002: Looking at Yangzhai

What my third grandfather left me is an old-style apartment with two bedrooms and a living room on the eighth floor. Although the house is old, it is fully furnished and can be moved in after a little cleaning.
From this day on, I have settled down in Jiangcheng.
Every morning when I wake up, I will first cast a hexagram to see if it is "Tian Feng Gou", and then I will sigh and stay in the house to study talismans and formations. Except for buying rice and vegetables, I basically never go out.
More than two months passed in a flash. During this period, I also talked to Song Qingqing and others on the phone. When they heard that I was staying at home doing nothing, they were all worried about me.
I was actually very anxious because even though I was quite frugal, my money was almost all gone. I could only buy a few steamed buns every day and was so hungry that I felt dizzy.
One time, Song Qingqing brought a girl to see me and said that she was her classmate. Her family recently moved to a new house and had been particularly unlucky since then. She wanted to find someone to see if there was a problem with the feng shui.
Song Qingqing thought of me and brought the person over for me to try. If possible, I could make some money.
I was very grateful for her kindness, and hurriedly went to cast a hexagram, but it was still not "Tian Feng Gou", which meant that the opportunity to take on the first Feng Shui case had not yet arrived.
This is the strict rule of our sect. I have no choice but to say with great apology that I can't do it.

The girl was very annoyed and said with disdain: "Qingqing, your classmate is a liar, he is wasting my time!" After that, she left without looking back.
Song Qingqing apologized to me repeatedly and then chased after me.
I had no words to express my grievances, so I went back to my room sighing, and continued to fiddle with the "Evil-Breaking Array" with the eighteen yang copper nails.
In the evening, I received a call from Song Qingqing, saying that she was treating a few classmates to a get-together.
I knew that she saw that I only ate steamed buns for every meal, so she deliberately found an excuse to get me to eat some meat.
The location was chosen to be the barbecue stall outside Song Qingqing's school. The four of us got together and were all very happy, and I also got to have a good meal.
By the way, Song Qingqing has been selected into the Student Union, and the other two old classmates have also found jobs on construction sites, with good incomes, but I am the only one who is still doing nothing.
While eating and drinking, a few people advised me to keep my feet on the ground and not aim too high. Jiangcheng is a big city with high consumption. If I continue like this, I will be left with nothing.
Hearing the concern from several old classmates, I felt warm inside. I took a sip of beer and comforted them with a smile: "Don't worry, I will be able to make money soon."
Song Qingqing looked at me with some concern: "Don't do anything rash. If you run out of money, I'll lend it to you first."
I felt a little embarrassed and quickly said no. The other two classmates advised me to go to the construction site to work for a few days to solve the problem of food money first.
As they were talking, a black car slowly drove up the road and stopped in front of the barbecue stall.
"That... that car must be a Maybach, it's said to cost more than 10 million!" A male classmate stuttered with excitement.
Two people got out of the car, one was the driver and the other was an old man in his sixties, with gray hair on his temples and black hair in the middle. He looked a little haggard, with a blue forehead, but his eyes were extremely sharp.
The driver helped the old man over, found a clean table to sit down, then ran over and told the boss to serve beer and kebabs.
"Oh my god, this old man must be a wealthy man. How could he come to a place like this to eat kebabs?" the male classmate muttered in a low voice.
I looked at the old man for a while, and something suddenly occurred to me. I took out six ancient copper coins and told a fortune on the spot.
With Xun below and Qian above, there is wind in the world and yin and yang interacting, it is exactly the "Tianfeng Gou" hexagram!
My heart was shocked, knowing that the opportunity I had been waiting for had finally come!
I took the copper coin, stood up and sat down opposite the old man.
"Chen Ping, come back soon!" Song Qingqing's anxious voice came from behind.
At this time, the driver also ran over angrily, scolding me loudly and telling me to get out of the way quickly.
But I didn't panic. I looked directly at the old man and said, "Uncle, there has been some unrest in your family recently. If you're unlucky, someone might even die."
I am young and not famous, so my first sentence is straightforward and to the point. This is called "making the foreword" in the industry.
The driver's face really changed. The old man also frowned and stared at me with burning eyes.
Two minutes later, I came back, said hello to Song Qingqing and the others, and got into the Maybach.
On the way, the driver first gave a general account of what happened.
It turned out that the old man's surname was He, and he was also known as He Jiuye. Two months ago, a servant hanged himself in his living room in the middle of the night. The body was hung on the very valuable brass chandelier.
Since then, strange things have happened one after another.

Servants often heard eerie crying sounds at night, and Master He Jiu had heard it several times with his own ears. From time to time, people would be heard whispering in the middle of the night.
Half a month later, a maid was cooking in the kitchen when she suddenly let out a horrifying scream, then picked up a kitchen knife and started chopping at the people around her.
Two people in the kitchen were stabbed several times and tried desperately to escape and call for help.
The maid chased out ferociously and wielded a kitchen knife to split open He Jiuye's study. Fortunately, the security guard arrived in time to subdue her, but He Jiuye was so scared that he dared not to live there anymore and moved into a hotel overnight.
After this, there was always unrest in He Jiuye's house. Later, a servant rolled down the stairs and died, causing panic among the people for a while.
If these servants had not worked in the He family for many years and had no other place to go, and if Master He Jiu had not always treated them well and increased their wages several times after the incident, I'm afraid they would have run away long ago.
The car finally stopped in front of a large old villa.
Although this villa is old, it is quite large including the garden and lawn. As far as I remember, it is about the same size as the one I used to live in.
The interior of the house is decorated magnificently, but as soon as you enter the door, you feel a chilling chill that gives you goose bumps.
This is an obvious sign of strong yin energy.
But when I came here, I had already carefully observed the layout of the villa. It is well-suited for all directions, gathering wind and energy, and has an excellent feng shui.
Moreover, according to Mr. He Jiu, this villa is the ancestral home of their He family. It has been passed down for several generations and has always been peaceful and sound. Therefore, it is impossible for there to be something like a Yin Gathering Pool hidden underground. Where does such a strong Yin energy come from?
"Originally, a house is not a big deal. At most, it can be demolished and uninhabited. But this house is the ancestral home of my He family. My ancestors left a will that we must preserve it at all costs. Young master, you should understand what I mean." Master He Jiu said lightly.
I nodded, walked around the villa, and finally stopped under the valuable brass chandelier in the living room.
The servants in the house also gathered in the hall at this time, whispering from time to time.
"After watching for so long, what did you figure out? " He Jiuye's driver probably disliked me for a long time and thought I was a liar, so he couldn't help but question me.
I said nothing, with my hands behind my back, walking around the large brass chandelier.
"Oh, you're not going to say that it's Old Zhao's vengeful spirit that's causing trouble?" the driver asked sarcastically.
The Old Zhao he mentioned was the servant who hanged himself on this big bronze lamp.
I turned around three times before I stopped and said, "No, it's probably a Feng Shui issue."
The driver sneered and laughed: "It would be fine if you didn't mention Feng Shui. Once you mention it, it will be exposed. When our He family built this villa, we found three famous Feng Shui masters to look at it together. It is definitely a Feng Shui treasure land!"
Master He Jiu also frowned: "This ancestral house of our He family has been passed down for several generations. Every generation has become an official, and some have made fortunes. The Feng Shui pattern is first-class, and half a month ago, Master Liu Feihe from Zhengzhou came over to take a look, and there is absolutely no problem with the Feng Shui!"
He shook his head and his frustration and disappointment were obvious.
The driver had a gloomy face and looked like he was about to kick us out.
I said to him, "Go get me a bowl of water and a needle. The thinner the better."

Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024